Director Message


“Education is the fundamental method of social progress and reform.”

The SVS Group of institutions caters to advance the field of Technical Education through world-class education, knowledge creation, and brokering new empowering connections.

We understand that choosing an institution is an important decision for career and thus for life. Students today are competing in a rapidly changing world. Simply covering the curriculum will not do. At SVS Group of Institutions we equip our upcoming engineers and managers with both a first rate education and the necessary practical skills to ensure that they stand out best in today’s world.

SVS Group of Institutions aims to collaborate with all national level technical organizations and reputed corporate level organizations to participate in knowledge sharing sessions in order to enhance the academic atmosphere of the institute in terms of broadening the wisdom of the students and the faculty members. The potential of each technology varies according to how it is used learning with the technology can be the means to learning ends across the curriculum it includes Presentations and Demonstrations of data using productivity tools.

To make teaching lively , it should be enlightening the present method of teaching like the explanation, demonstration and inductive deductive methods are supplemented with a few of the above mentioned ways of teaching and it will surely do wonders and will remarkably improve the performance of students.

Use of curriculum-specific applications such as Simulations, Tutorials, Virtual Laboratories and Graphical representations of abstract concepts and expert system.

Welcome you in SVS Group of Institutions.